Friday, May 31, 2019

Man Against Nature in Jurassic Park Essay -- Jurassic Park Essays

Man Against Nature in Jurassic commons The world was made for adult male to conquer and rule, and under human rule it was meant to become a paradise (Ishmael 82). Much like this evolutionary mythological theory, the movie Jurassic Park tells a tale of mans attempt to rule over nature. Through the movies description and imagery, the viewer perceives the arrogance of humans to control nature, and the consequences and failures of this flawed intention. John Hammond, park creator, uses state of the cunning technology and ideas to recover dinosaur DNA, fill in missing gene caps, and breed the previously extinct animals to exploit his accomplishment. This process is set into motion without regard to the moral philosophy behind the research, and without asking if pure scientific curiosity and drive should usurp natural evolution. Hammond arrogantly takes these responsibilities in hand and proceeds without consequence, as if he were in some way above his natural counterpart s in mother natures eyes. When this superiority is broken down, those who thought they were in control realize that their control was imagined. Jurassic Park conveys the consequences of human bile in believing that nature is purely beautiful and subordinate to their existence, and this illusion of superiority reveals natures true chaos and danger. Having bred species of dinosaurs, and built a series of rides and attractions for this theme park, Hammond seeks the imprimatur of several specialists to satisfy his investors curiosity and concerns. Dr. Grant (a Paleontologist), Dr. Sadtler (a Paleobotanist), and Dr. Malcolm (a Chaotician), as well as a lawyer all are summoned to the island of Isla Nublar, 120 miles from Costa Rica and home of Jura... ...sts of Jurassic Park dont realize that the control they think that they have does not exist. In Jurassic Park, nature appears beautiful and controllable when it is viewed from afar. The arrogant and nave creators of Ju rassic Park believe that they can regulate nature when, how, and where they please. Throughout the movie, this illusion gets broken time and time again. In actuality, nature is chaotic, uncontrollable, and dangerous. These aspects are taken for granted by the scientists of Jurassic Park and sometimes today in society. They got so caught up in whether they could they didnt stop to think whether or not they should. Works Cited Jurassic Park. Dir. Steven Speilberg. Perf. surface-to-air missile Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum. Universal Studios, 1993. Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. New York Bantam/Turner, 1992.