Monday, September 30, 2019

Robespierre Execution Research

Question: What are the reasons for the execution of Maximilien Robespierre? Works Cited Hampson, Norman. The Life and Opinions of Maximilien Robespierre. N. p. : Duckworth, 1974. Print. In the Suggestions for Further Reading section of A Short History of the French Revolution by Jeremy Popkin, he recommends this book for further reading on Revolutionary Politics. This would be a good secondary source to look into. Sections of this book can be found on JSTOR. Jordan, David P. The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1989. Print.In the Suggestions for Further Reading section of A Short History of the French Revolution by Jeremy Popkin, he recommends this book for further reading on Revolutionary Politics. Online, I see that this book has an entire chapter dedicated to Thermidor. This book is a good secondary source to use. Sections of this book can be found on JSTOR. A complete eBook can be found on Google Books. Proyart, Lievin-Bonaventure. La Vie e t les Crimes de Maximilien Robespierre. Augsburg, 1795. Print. In the Works Cited section of The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre, David P.Jordan cites this book, which was written a year after the execution of Robespierre. This is a good secondary source to look at. ?Robespierre, Maximilien,  Discours prononce par Robespierre, a la Convention Nationale, dans la seance du 8 thermidor de l'an 2 de la Republique une et indivisible ; trouve parmi ses papiers par la Commission chargee de les examiner. N. p. : Knowsley Pamphlet Collection, 1794. In the chapter on Thermidor in  The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre. David P. Jordan cites this speech and talks about its impact on his execution. This would make a good primary source to look at.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Katherine Mansfield Essay

She was born in 1888 in Wellington, a town labeled â€Å"the empire city† by its white inhabitants, who modeled themselves on British life and relished their city’s bourgeois respectability. [1] At an early age, Mansfield witnessed the disjuncture between the colonial and the native, or Maori, ways of life, prompting her to criticize the treatment of the Maoris in several diary entries and short stories. [2] Mansfield’s biographer, Angela Smith, writes: â€Å"It was her childhood experience of living in a society where one way of life was imposed on another, and did not quite fit in† that sharpened her modernist impulse to focus on moments of â€Å"disruption† or encounters with â€Å"strange or disturbing† aspects of life. [3] Her feelings of disjuncture were accentuated when she arrived in Britain in 1903 to attend Queen’s College. In many respects, Mansfield remained a lifelong outsider, a traveler between two seemingly similar yet profoundly different worlds. After briefly returning to New Zealand in 1906, she moved back to Europe in 1908, living and writing in England and parts of continental Europe. Until her premature death from tuberculosis at the age of 34, Mansfield remained in Europe, leading a Bohemian, unconventional way of life. The Domestic Picturesque Mansfield’s short story â€Å"Prelude† is set in New Zealand and dramatizes the disjunctures of colonial life through an account of the Burnell family’s move from Wellington to a country village. The story takes its title from Wordsworth’s seminal poem, â€Å"The Prelude,† the first version of which was completed in 1805, which casts the poet as a traveler and chronicles the â€Å"growth of a poet’s mind. †[4] Although the Burnell family moves a mere â€Å"six miles† from town, the move is not inconsequential; it enacts a break with their previous way of life and alerts the family members to the various discontinuities in their lives. Beneath the veneer of the Burnells’ harmonious domestic life are faint undercurrents of aggression and unhappiness. The haunting specter of a mysterious aloe plant and a slaughtered duck in their well-manicured yard suggests that the family’s â€Å"awfully nice† new home conceals moments of brutality and ignorance toward another way of life that was suppressed and denied. [5] As I will propose, these two incidents echo the aesthetic concept of the sublime, as they encapsulate a mysterious power that awes its beholders and cannot be fully contained within their picturesque home. Through her subtle, dream-like prose, Mansfield deploys traditional aesthetic conventions like the picturesque while simultaneously transfiguring, subverting, and reinventing them in a modernist context. The concept of the picturesque was first defined by its originator, William Gilpin, an 18th century artist and clergyman, as â€Å"that kind of beauty which is agreeable in a picture. †[6] Thus, a scene or representation is beautiful when it echoes an already-established, artistic conception of beauty, revealing the self-reinforcing way in which art creates the standard of beauty for both art and life. Mansfield presents these picturesque moments in order to demystify them and reveal the suppression and violence they contain. In addition to â€Å"Prelude,† her stories â€Å"Garden Party† and â€Å"Bliss† dramatize the transformation and inversion of picturesque moments of bourgeois life and domestic harmony. While she seems to exhibit a certain attachment to these standard aesthetic forms, Mansfield subtly interrogates many of these conventions in a strikingly modernist way. Through her childhood in a colony, Mansfield also became attuned to the violence and inequalities of colonialism. As Angela Smith suggests, her early writings demonstrate a keen sensitivity towards a repressed history of brutality and duplicity. [7] In her 1912 short story â€Å"How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped,† she questions and overturns the perspective of the colonialist, whose vantage point historically trumps that of the native. The deliberate ambivalence of the word â€Å"kidnapping† dramatizes the conflict between the colonist’s perspective and Pearl’s joyful, eye-opening experiences during her abduction. In a similar way, empire dramatized for Mansfield the way that a picturesque, bourgeois household could suppress alternative perspectives. The Sublime In â€Å"Prelude,† the mysterious, sublime aloe plant disrupts the pleasant domesticity of the Burnell household. Their well-manicured yard with its tennis lawn, garden, and orchard also contains a wild, unseemly side—â€Å"this was the frightening side, and no garden at all. †[8] This â€Å"side† contains the aloe plant, which exerts a mysterious, enthralling power over its awed beholders. In its resemblance to the ocean, the aloe assumes the characteristics of the sublime: â€Å"the high grassy bank on which the aloe rested rose up like a wave, and the aloe seemed to ride upon it like a shop with the oars lifted. Bright moonlight hung upon the lifted oars like water, and on the green wave glittered the dew. †[9] For many writers and poets, the ocean was a manifestation of the sublime because of its unfathomable power and scale that awed and humbled its observers. The aloe’s strikingly physiological effect on its viewers recalls Edmund Burke’s sublime, which overpowers its observer and reinforces the limitations of human reason and control. In his famous treatise on the sublime, Burke writes: â€Å"greatness of dimension, vastness of extent or quantity† is a powerful cause of the sublime, as it embodies the violent and overpowering forces of nature. [10] In a similar vein, the child, Kezia Burnell’s first impression upon seeing the â€Å"fat swelling plant with its cruel leaves and fleshy stem† is one of awe and wonder. [11] In this case, the sublimity of the aloe plant disrupts and challenges the domestic picturesque as it defies mastery, categorization, and traditional notions of beauty. In its resistance to categorization and control, the sublime embodies the part of the ungovernable landscape that the Burnell family cannot domesticate and the picturesque cannot frame. As a result, in â€Å"Prelude,† the magnitude of the sublime interrupts and fractures the tranquil surface of the picturesque by exposing the unfathomable depths beneath it. The colonial backdrop of the Burnells’ yard also contributes to the mysterious, occult power of the aloe. This unruly part of their property hints toward a landscape that eludes domestication and serves as a constant reminder that the Burnell family is living in a land that is not quite theirs and cannot be fully tamed. [12] At the age of 19, Mansfield wrote that the New Zealand bush outside of the cities is â€Å"all so gigantic and tragic—and even in the bright sunlight it is so passionately secret. †[13] For Mansfield, the bush embodies the history of a people whose lives have been interrupted and displaced by European settlers. [14] After wars, brutal colonial practices, and European diseases had devastated the local Maori population, the bush became a haunting monument to their presence. As the Burnell family settles down to sleep on the first night in their new home, â€Å"far away in the bush there sounded a harsh rapid chatter: â€Å"Ha-ha-ha†¦ Ha-ha-ha. †[15] In her subtle way, Mansfield unveils the voices of those whose perspectives are excluded from this portrait of nocturnal domestic harmony. In a similar way, the aloe plant exudes an unfathomable history that is beyond the time and place of the Burnells. Even its age—implied by the fact that it flowers â€Å"once every hundred years†Ã¢â‚¬â€suggests that the aloe exists on a different scale than its human beholders. [16] In its ancient, superhuman scale, the aloe gestures towards the â€Å"gigantic,† indicating a subtle, but implicitly threatening power within, or in proximity of the home. The aloe is a kind of lacuna in the imperial landscape of New Zealand, whose power threatens the colonial household and its control over the landscape. [17] By disrupting and encroaching upon the ostensibly safe domestic sphere, the aloe also echoes the â€Å"unheimlich,† or uncanny, an aesthetic concept explored by Sigmund Freud in his 1919 essay, â€Å"The Uncanny. † The uncanny becomes, in part, an invasive force violating the sacred, domestic sphere and hearkens back to a previously repressed or hidden impulse: â€Å"The uncanny is something which ought to have remained hidden but has come to light. †[18] In â€Å"Prelude,† the aloe is initially depicted as a threatening force that â€Å"might have had claws instead of roots. The curving leaves seemed to be hiding something. †[19] Positioned within the safe space of their property, the aloe is a menacing, ungovernable force that seems to encroach upon it. The plant becomes part of the repressed history of the landscape—a history that is only apparent to Kezia, her mother Linda Burnell, and her grandmother Mrs. Fairfield, who are attuned to the forces below the surface of the picturesque exterior. Violent Underpinnings Beneath many of Mansfield’s picturesque domestic scenes are moments of violence and rupture. In â€Å"Garden Party,† for instance, a poor man falls to his death during the preparations for a much-anticipated social gathering of the wealthy Sheridan family, undermining the convivial spirit of the occasion. In â€Å"Prelude,† Pat, the handyman, slaughters a duck while the children watch with grotesque enthrallment as it waddles for a few steps after being decapitated. â€Å"The crowning wonder† of the dead duck walking hearkens back to Burke’s sublime, which is experienced in â€Å"Prelude† within the confines of the private residence. [20] The sublimity of this apparent defiance of the properties of death acts as a dramatic external force imposing on the observers’ intellect and reason in a profoundly Burkian way. But later that night, when the duck is placed in front of the patriarch, Stanley Burnell, â€Å"it did not look as if it had ever had a head. †[21] The duck’s picturesque dressing—â€Å"its legs tied together with a piece of string and a wreath of little balls of stuffing round it†Ã¢â‚¬â€conceals its violent death. [22] In a similar way, the â€Å"awfully nice† picturesque house is imposed upon the landscape, as if it had never been any other way. [23] Through reconfiguration and transformation, a new imperial order conceals the fact that an older order once lay beneath it. In both cases, the picturesque functions as a way of naturalizing the violent order of domination. As Pat’s golden earrings distract Kezia from her grief over the duck’s death, the duck’s pretty garnish conceals its â€Å"basted resignation. †[24] There is no such thing as a pure aesthetics, Mansfield seems to suggest, as each serene moment is implicated in some act of violence, brutality, or suppression. In â€Å"Prelude,† the good-natured Pat disrupts a pre-existing picturesque scene in which ducks â€Å"preen their dazzling breasts† amidst the pools and â€Å"bushes of yellow flowers and blackberries. †[25] Tellingly, the duck pond contains a bridge, a typical feature of the picturesque that reconciles or bridges the gap between different aspects of the scenery. In this way, the Burnell family’s cultivation of the land by planting and slaughtering ducks disrupts another underlying order. Their unquestioning appropriation of this pre-existing order mirrors the way colonial life disrupted and undermined the indigenous Maori life. Juxtaposing two picturesque scenes that interrupt and conflict with one another, Mansfield questions and unravels the conventional image of the picturesque. This interplay of various conflicting aesthetic orders constitutes part of Mansfield’s modernist style, in which aesthetic forms are ruptured, fragmented, and overturned. As the yard’s landscape bears traces of the Maori past, so the quiet harmony of the Burnells’ domesticity is underscored by deep, unspoken tensions and an animosity that hints at the uncanny. In fact, the only character who expresses any contentment is Stanley, who reflects, â€Å"By God, he was a perfect fool to feel as happy as this! †[26] Yet even he shudders upon entering his new driveway, as â€Å"a sort of panic overtook Burnell whenever he approached near home. †[27] Beneath this veneer of marital bliss and familial harmony, his wife Linda occasionally ignores her children and expresses hatred towards her husband and his aggressive sexuality: â€Å"there were times when he was frightening—really frightening. When she screamed at the top of her voice, ‘You are killing me. ’†[28] Meanwhile Stanley and Beryl, Linda’s sister, seem to have a flirtatious, indecent relationship: â€Å"Only last night when he was reading the paper her false self had stood beside him and leaned against his shoulder on purpose. Hadn’t she put her hand over his†¦ so that he should see how white her hand was beside his brown one. †[29] Dramatizing these dynamics, Mansfield suggests that a â€Å"happy† household outside of town is not as â€Å"dirt cheap† as Stanley boasts; it comes at the cost of servitude, sexual aggression, and a ravaged Maori landscape. [30] Through these layers, which Mansfield subtly strips off one at a time, she artfully exposes the way that an existing political and aesthetic order is not what it seems to be or how it has always been. Her short stories are fraught with their own tensions; while exposing the picturesque as false and absurd, she nevertheless draws on its conventional associations. Similarly, her subtle attempts to question colonial power are embedded in a seemingly idealized portrait of colonial life. Mansfield creates a seemingly beautiful or normal image, such as the happy family in â€Å"Prelude,† â€Å"Bliss,† or â€Å"Garden Party,† and then slowly challenges it through a subtle counter-narrative. In this way, her deployment of modernist techniques is less pronounced than that of James Joyce and her other modernist contemporaries. Just as she challenges aesthetic conventions, Mansfield unravels the reader’s ideas about her own stories by presenting a seemingly beautiful, transparent narrative that is haunted by tensions, lacunae, and opacity. Like the headless walking duck, these fictions of transparency and harmony quickly collapse upon closer inspection.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Finance - Essay Example (as to differentiate it to Private Finance), Housing and construction (availability of infrastructures), Output, capacity, and capacity utilization of existing and planned infrastructures, Merchandise trade, National accounts, Labor market, Population, Prices and Wholesale and Retail trade Some specific items under the broad categories mentioned includes the amount of potential customers and their preference, trends in economic growth and operating expenses such as wages, costs of local supplies, taxes and other expenditures, operations and profitability of competitors, planned economic ventures and differences in currency denominations. Also included is the determination of availability of resources, inflation rates, external debt payments as a measure of the credibility and involvement of the governing institutions of the country. Equally important issues that must be considered are risks such as insolvency of the buyer, risk of protracted default or the failure of the buyer to pay the amount due within six months after the due date, risk of non-acceptance and surrendering economic sovereignty. There are also political risks (which would influence economic conditions) that must be taken into consideration such as the risk of cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licenses, conflict risks, risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importers company, risk of the imposition of an import ban after the shipment of the goods, transfer risk or the imposition of exchange controls by the importers country or foreign currency shortages. The World Bank currently has a numerical measure/ ratings in determining the ‘business friendliness’ of countries. It would seem that forecasting would require voluminous data. This would indeed be the case for some forecasting projects. However, some ventures would only require some data depending on the forecast models and equations they are using. There are many reasons why business firms are going global foremost

Friday, September 27, 2019

Diversity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Diversity - Article Example I stayed in the country for two weeks. This was a good thing because I needed a few days to recover from jet lag. By the third day, I was beginning to feel more like myself and could appreciate some of the differences surrounding me. The culture in South Africa was very similar to my own in many ways. People were wearing western style clothing and everything was very modern. I was in Cape Town the entire time, so I did not get to see any of the more rural areas in South Africa. My colleagues assured me that the rural areas looked more like stereotypical Africa than did the city. One part of the business culture that was different than at home is the number of ethnically uniform meetings I had. This is perhaps a left-over from the age of Apartheid in South Africa. When I met with one firm, all of the participants in the meeting were white. In another firm, everyone was native. I do not know if this is the norm for South Africa, but it was my experience. In the few meetings that were interracial, there did not appear to be any animosity between races, but racial tensions seemed to be an unfortunate part of the business environment in South Africa to a much larger extent than they are at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

African slavery and African Catholicism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

African slavery and African Catholicism - Essay Example Many historians and scholars hold that the domination of European rule in Africa caused African slavery and the development of African Catholicism. However, there is much evidence showing that the development of African slavery and African Catholicism occurred due to deep rooted African systems and an already established traditional form of religion. It will also provide evidence of the roots and development of African slavery. Roots and Development of African Catholicism and African Slavery Many scholars view Christianity in Kongo, especially Catholicism as a foreign religion introduced by the colonizers during the 15th and 16th centuries. In addition, these scholars often deem this form of religion as serving the interests of foreigners more than the indigenous Kongo people. The result of this assertion is that Christianity overlooked the independence of Kongo people. In addition, this caused most historians to view the deemed introduced Christianity as a form of colonization and d omination by the Portuguese in Kongo. Moreover, these historians also assert that the conversion of Kongo to Christianity and the development of African Catholicism was a direct effect of westernization of Kongo (Thornton, 147). The history of religion and African Catholicism was quite different from the assertions of these historians and scholars. The conversion of Kongo in to Christianity was under a free will. Consequently, it is evident that the Kongo people and leaders highly determined the structure of the church and its doctrines as well as practices. It is also evident that the Portuguese attempted to control the church under political terms. However, this was not possible since Kongo highly controlled the activities and practices of the church. Even though contemporary studies reveal that there was substantial syncretism in Christian doctrines in Kongo, the European clergy who visited Kongo, recognized it as conventional (Thornton, 148). In the case of African slavery, ther e are misconceptions by most scholars as to what prompted slave trade in the region. Most of these scholars considered the roots of African slavery as a product of economic underdevelopment in Africa, in which forced labor dominated the economy rather than free labor. However, this was not the case but there was the spirit of slavery rooted deep in the African institutional and legal structures of communities of Africa. In addition, this kind of slavery occurred very differently from the form of slavery in Europe. The main reason that slavery occurred widely in the Atlantic Africa was that in African law, slaves were the only recognized form of private ownership. It became very perverse in the African society because there lacked landed private property (Thornton, 74). The incorporation of Christianity as a part of indigenous religion is the main reason it survived and hence the documentation of the cult dates from the early sixteenth century to the present day. In the nineteenth ce ntury, Christianity briefly disappeared from Kongo. However, the disappearance was not due to a lack on the part of Kongo, a failure on the part of the clergy or a resurgence of suppressed local religion. Rather, it was because of the changing definition among European clergy including Rome as to what made up Christianity, together with more chauvinistic attitudes towards non-Western and particularly colonial peoples that happened after I850 (Thornton, 148). In African law, one could only establish a claim on a product through taxation and slavery rather than through the fiction of land ownership. However, this did not make the African legal system backward or egalitarian, but only legally divergent. Due to this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 24

Answer the question - Essay Example It is only logical to integrate the planned content and opportunities as well as the experience of students in defining curriculum. Adopting a broader definition of curriculum that includes the students’ experiences conforms to the experiential theory that supports experiential education. Experiential education requires curriculum developers to think broadly and develop workable principles that can determine what students learn and assess their feelings about the content delivered. In my opinion, experiential education prepares students for the workplace in a better manner. It represents a pragmatic move from the traditional philosophies to modern philosophies that consider the internal factors of an individual. There is a salient need for the curriculum to ensure that an individual experiences balanced development (Posner, 2003). Although individuals have varying experiences, curriculum definitions should seek to integrate the main views of students. In this way, education can ensure that students register intellectual development and develop social skills. My definition of curriculum conforms to the thi rd definition that gives attention to the students actual learning and does not limit itself to the plans developed by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sexual Harassment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sexual Harassment - Research Paper Example A program to training managers on sexual harassment should undoubtedly take into consideration a wide a number of issues key among them being (i) What is considered sexual harassment (ii) Reasons for concern (iii) Workplace gender based antidiscrimination laws. Managers just like any other employee often find themselves involved in sexual harassment cases in different ways, which may include being a witness of the act, victim of the act or as a perpetrator. Lack of adequate knowledge about what constitute a sexual harassment especially verbal, non-verbal and physical conducts may prevent them from taking appropriate action against the unlawful act. Thus, the need to educate manger on what acts constitute sexual harassment, workplace gender based antidiscrimination laws and most importantly reasons for concern. Other areas that should be of great focus in a training program for managers about sexual harassment include (iv) Types of sexual harassment (v) Consensual relationships (vi) How to tell if a conduct is inappropriate (vii) Retaliation and Sexual Harassment (viii) Documenting employee actions. It is vital that the training outline contain subjects that touch on types of sexual harassment, consensual relationships at workplace and retaliation in case of alleged discrimination. For instance, there are two notable types of sexual harassments, which include Quid pro quo and Hostile environment. A fellow employee or supervisor may ask an employee for sexual favour in exchange for promotion, reward or wage increase, which may constitute Quid pro quo type of harassment (Orlov & Michael, 49). The training manual also need to take into consideration issues that pertain to (ix) Liability for supervisor misconduct (x) Setting the right tone (xi) Responding to subordinate complaints (xii) Assist ing with the investigation (xiii) Preventing

Monday, September 23, 2019

The History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson Essay

The History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson - Essay Example This paper looks at the various incidences in which Samuel Johnson used satire in the book, The History of Russelas. Johnson in the novel The History of Russelas explores the life of the prince of the Abyssinia kingdom. The book, exploring the differences in the life of the prince in the valley where they had quality life and had access to any manner of luxury and that of the nobles, explores the satirical side of life in a palace. The comparison of the two different lives of the people living in the kingdom draws the irony of the different statuses of people in habiting the society. Although written in the 1880s, the differences in social status of the people in the society were apparent, just they currently exist. In its own diction, satire explores the various issues in the society that appear weird and funny. Out of normality, the family of the king was hidden in a valley, surrounded by mountains and forests. Whether for beautification purposes or for safety, the setting of the h ome was weird. What, with the seclusion form the hustle and bustle of the palace? Away from the people and into the wilderness, a place that did not have people, different kinds of animals inhabiting the region, that freely mingled with the servants of the kingdom. What was the essence of the family being kept far away from the normality of life? It did not make sense. Some may argue that the king found it safer there, while others may hold that the king wanted a peaceful life for his family. For people to live in harmony, they need to coexist together and show true brotherhood and sisterhood. The king chose to put his family in seclusion from the public and the reality of life. How were they supposed to coexist with the rest of the people if they were not used to living with them? They were used to the animals inhabiting the valley, and the usual servants who served them and took care of them from the time of their birth. They were not used to new faces, or new visitors. How were t hey expected to live with the rest of the people the day that they were left out of the valley? The prince was to marry someday, while the daughters would too get married. How were they supposed to find their companions if they did not leave the valley? For twenty six years, the prince never left the valley; he saw no new faces, neither the face of the sun outside the valley. How was he expected to rule the people after taking over from his father as the heir of the kingdom? The actions of the king did not make much sense. His intentions beat logic when a person thinks of the reasons why he chose to provide them with the kind of lifestyles that he deserved. Perhaps he was to get them their life partners. However, how were they to live from the time they were released form the valley? Maybe he intended to get them families and keep them there forever. Whichever plan that he had, the actions of the king did not make sense. The family, whether royal or not should have been left to free ly mingle with the society. Contrary to this, he would have left them walk around the kingdom and see other people and the kind of work and lives that they lived. The prince found the life of living in the valley boring, in contrast to the life of that of the people living outside the valley in the free world. As he grew up, not only did he get used to the music that was being played by

Sunday, September 22, 2019

W 4 A&S answer Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W 4 A&S answer Marketing - Essay Example The Affordable Health care Act was passed by congress and then signed in to law in 2010 on 23rd of March by President Obama (Garvin, 2013). There were various impacts that become notable and some of them are discussed under. The Act led to a significant reduction in the premium costs that would have otherwise been incurred by business owners at low level, families and individuals. This was made possible through the provision of tax relief which was as much as up to hundreds of dollars. According to the Act, there is commitment by the government to the America’s seniors through ensuring protection and preservation of medicare. The Act also ensures promotion of the prevention, wellness of the public health. National prevention together with health promotion strategy is created as a result of the directions given by this Act (Gagliardi, 2006). In so doing, the instances of preventable illnesses and disability are reduced

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Motivational Factors Toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education Essay Example for Free

Motivational Factors Toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education Essay This study investigated factors which motivated individuals to initially pursue careers in special education, factors which contributed toward their plans to remain or leave the field, and their perceptions of school districts effective and ineffective recruitment and retention practices. The sample comprised of 15 individuals employed in public schools throughout north Texas who initially pursued careers in special education. Data were collected through the form of audio-recorded semi-structured telephone interviews. Empathy towards students, family, and opportunities to fill job vacancies were factors that participants cited the most for initially pursuing careers in special education. Furthermore, most of the interviewees reported satisfaction within their jobs, but noted excessive demands and lack of administrative support as contributing to job dissatisfaction. Motivational Factors toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education. Chronic shortages in the field of special education continue to pose challenges for public schools across the United States (Billingsley, Carlson, Klein, 2004; Boe, 2006; Billingsley McLeskey, 2004; Brownell, Hirsch, Seo, 2004; Singh Billingsley, 1996; Strunk Robinson, 2006; Thornton, Peltier, Medina, 2007). The limited number of individuals entering and/or remaining in the field of special education has resulted in school districts inability to fill the necessary teaching positions; such shortages have been linked to difficulties in the recruitment and retention of qualified individuals (Olivarez Arnold, 2006). Although difficulties with the recruitment of teachers, low retention, and high attrition rates are evident across all teaching professions, it is much more prevalent among special educators. Specifically, teachers of students with emotional/behavioral disorders exhibit the largest shortage, followed by those serving students with severe/profound disabilities, and learning disabilities (McLeskey, Tyler, Flippin, 2004). Our national school districts are in a crisis. Specifically, districts are scrambling to find qualified special educators to fill the vacant teaching positions. According to Plash and Piotrowski (2006), a projected 611,550 positions in special education will need to be filled by the year 2010. However, the inability to recruit the necessary number of eligible individuals to fill positions continues to be a major problem for school administrators. An infinite number of research studies have been conducted in an attempt to identify barriers which deter people from entering the field (Billingsley, 2004; Gersten, Keating, Yovanoff, Harniss, 2001; McLeskey et al., 2004; Olivarez Arnold, 2006; Thornton, Peltier, Medina, 2007). Studies have identified perceptions of low social status associated with being a special educator, poor working conditions, high rates of stress, excessive paperwork, and low salaries with the decreased number of individuals entering the field of special education (Barmby, 2006; McLeskey et al. , 2004; Rice, Goeling, Peters, 2005). A vast amount of research also exists regarding factors which have contributed to the decisions of individuals to leave the field of special education (Billingsley, Carlson, Klein, 2004; Singh Billingsley, 1996; Thornton, Peltier, Medina, 2007) and consequently contribute to the shortage of and high attrition rates of special education teachers (Barmby, 2006; Fish Stephens, in press; McLeskey, Tyler, Saunders, 2004). According to Plash and Piotrowski (2006), 13. 2% of special education teachers leave their position each year. While six percent of special educators leave the field of education altogether, 7. 2% transfer to general education positions. Prevalent variables identified as contributors to the exodus from the field include occupational stress, burnout (Botwinik, 2007; Greiner Smith, 2006), weak support by administrators, unreasonable caseloads, large class size, low salaries (Darling-Hammond, 2003), testing and accountability pressures (Tye OBrien, 2002), and ineffective in-service programs (Kaufhold, Alverez, Arnold, 2006; Plash Piotrowski, 2006). A study conducted by Brownell, Smith, McNellis, and Lenk (1994) investigated the contextual variables related to teacher attrition. Findings indicated that those teachers who decided to stay in the field of special education were more committed to teaching students with disabilities, had a higher sense of efficacy, felt more prepared by their pre-service and initial teaching experiences, and exhibited more effective coping strategies than those who decided to leave the field. Two international studies were identified which focused on the motivating factors of individuals initially pursuing careers as general educators (Barmby, 2006; Watt Richardson, 2007). Based upon a study conducted in England and Wales, Barmby identified intrinsic (e. g. , the activity of teaching children) and altruistic (e. g. , desire to help children succeed) reasons which contributed to the teachers decision to pursue careers within the field of education. Similar findings (e. g., working with children, shape future of children, and make a social contribution) were reported by Watt and Richardson who investigated the motivational factors which influenced Australian individuals to initially pursue a career in general education. In addition to investigating special educators job satisfaction and decisions to remain in the field, obtaining an understanding of individuals motivations for entering the field of special education have implications which may assist in the increased recruitment and retention of special educators. Such findings would contribute to enhanced teacher educational planning, curriculum design and policy decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to obtain perceptions of special educators with regards to factors that contributed toward their (a) initial pursuit of special education careers, (b) job satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction levels and (c) decisions whether to remain on the special education career path. Participants were further asked to provide recommendations that school districts could take to effectively recruit and retain special educators. Design of Study Qualitative methodology was utilized in this study in the form of audio-recorded semi-structured telephone interviews to obtain the perceptions of special educators. Qualitative research is appropriate in dealing with potentially multiple realities, mutually shaping influences, and value patterns (Lincoln Guba, 1985). Interviews serve the purpose of obtaining here-and-now constructions of persons, events, activities, organizations, feelings, motivations, claims, concerns, and other entities (p. 268). According to Bogdan and Biklen (1998), semi-structured interviews encourage interviewees to expand upon ideas, which provide the researcher opportunities to generate abstract ideas through descriptive material. Participants Respondents participating in this study consisted of 15 educators employed in public school districts throughout the north Texas area. This purposive sample was comprised of 11 special education teachers, three diagnosticians and one former special education teacher currently serving as a high school principal at the time of the interviews. Four of the 11 special education teachers within this study were previously general education teachers. Data Collection and Analysis The interview questions conducted for this study focused on factors which contributed toward special educators initially pursuing careers in special education in addition to conditions that would contribute toward them remaining in or leaving the field. Interviewees were additionally asked to provide feedback pertaining to their school districts special educator recruitment and retention efforts. The following open-ended questions were asked to each of the 15 participants.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Improving Communication in an Organization

Improving Communication in an Organization Rationale This research was to show how communications, knowledge and information can be improved within an organization. Planning, organizing, and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise. To determine how to carry out work are more effective than others. For example clientele may learn faster and they may more ready adopt proposed technology when certain teaching methods are used opposed to others. The determination of how is being spent often is best made by staff members who are directly involved in programmed delivery. This suggests that decision making decentralized, with resources being sub-divided among the various units of the organization. Background CSC consultancy is a start-up consulting firm, focused that has been recognized over six years now in Clarendon, Stalks Street Avenue. CSC offers advice to store owners, business owners and customers towards environmentally and sensitive buildings as well as recommendation. CSC offers a list services for businesses owners to choose from depending on their particular business needs and wants. This includes sales, finance, discipline and management. CSC offers a wide variety of services for clothes/ business solutions, needs and wants, requirement. This includes business and marketing plan preparation, financial, search and procumbent, consulting service management development, human resource advising. Established by: Oregon based with two principals; partners: Miss Camille Davis, Mr. David and Everton Dailey. Which each of whom owns 30% share in the company. Camille’s Fashion House This company was established in August 21 2002, owned by Camille Davis and her husband Winston Davis. This company is a small fashion house that carters for every household wives, husbands, boys and girls, early childhood. This company has a good customer care service, which entails 13 males, and 14 females. Ten women work in the clerk area, and the other four are cashiers, eleven males’ works in the packaging area, and the other three works in the shoe department. Camille fashion house is located in May Pen, Clarendon, at Evans Street. There is a security at the front of the door when walking in, our staff in my company they are very friendly and corporative. This company provides 27 employees in my establishment, a manager; Carnet Grant. The competition level in our area is very hectic, so therefore we have to advertise our business on the television, broadcast on the radio and the internet. There are a wide variety of clothes, from Italian, to leather, and cloth materials, we also provide shoes from heals to flat sandal shoes, from originally made shoes and internationally shoes. We also provide a wide variety of hand-bags, from both locally ware to international. We also provide children wares from kids to teenagers, from clothes to shoe ware. The company aims to provide quality services, good customer care, value of goods and services. This will improve more shoppers coming in to buy, whether on promotions or otherwise. CSC co-owners Camille D, David B and Everton Dailey, will each provide 30,000 that will each provide the bulk of the start-up business expenses. This other fund will come from the small business administration year loan. Objectives To ensure regular and adequate supply of funds to develop the communication process. To ensure adequate returns to the shareholders this will depend upon the earning capacity. To ensure optimum funds utilization, if the funds are procured however they should be utilized in maximum possible way at least cost. To identify a sound plan of capacity structure, there should be invested in safe venture so that adequate rate of return can be achieved. Methodology A survey was carried out in the street using observations and interviews with fellow citizens and residents in my district and country. This survey was carried out to understand to recognize the communications which takes place effectively in organization. Also to understand the interaction between communication, knowledge and information. However, a qualitative evaluation will be utilized for this research project of subjective methods such as interviews and observations to collect relevant data. A SWOT analysis was used which includes; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to analyze how best to customize the course to the target citizens. I have established collaboration with fellow citizens from the communications and knowledge department. Working at this institution will be an opportunity for me to work on a very insightful project. Literature Review What is communication? According to â€Å"Skills You Need Helping You Develop Life Skills† at ,communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. Although this is a simple definition, when we think about how we may communicate the subject becomes a lot more complex. There are various categories of communication and more than one can occur at any time. Different categories of communication are: Spoken or verbal communication, face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media. Non-verbal communication; body language gestures, how we dress or act even our scent. Written communication such as letters, emails, books, magazines, the internet or other media. According to the Journal of Communication Management, ISSN 1363-254x, the management of knowledge goes far beyond the storage and manipulation of data, or even of information. It is the attempt to recognize what is essentially a human asset buried in the minds of individuals, and leverage it into an organizational asset that can be accused and used by a broader set of individuals on whose decisions the firm depends. The ability to manage human intellect and its conversion into useful product is perhaps, the most critical management skill in our age, providing the ultimate in competitive edge. At , where how to assess internal and external sources of information and understanding was defined clearly. Managers in organization need information on what is happening within the organization as well as about the external environment within which the organization operates. People at lower level of organization need more of the internal information and less of external information. But with increasing level of external information increases and the quantity of internal information increases. The managers at the top management level thus need a large amount of external information on the environment within which they operate. Findings Discuss the range of decisions to be taken Decisions are apart of the managers remit. Difficult choices may have to be made for the common good of the organization. Information is used by businesses to assist in the decision making process at different levels such as: Strategic decisions are long term complex decisions made by senior management. The decisions will affect the entire direction of the company for example to become: The market leader in the field. Azan super-center might discontinue the sales of utensils in Ohio Rios as went down in the past year. Tactical decisions are medium term, less complex decisions made by middle management, they follow on form strategic decisions and aim to meet the objective stated in any strategic decision. Operation decisions are day to day decisions made by Junior managers that are simple and routine. This may include the regular auditory of supplies or the creation of a staff master. The manager of Azan’s supercenter decides that he or she would advertise for a new sales representative in the local newspaper. Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding Every organization has a formal communication network which ideas and information flow along the lines of command. Downward , horizontal and upward direction, these are the three ways in which formal communication flows. Downward communication flows from executive to employees , conveying executive decisions , and providing information that helps employees to their jobs. Providing insights into problem , trends , opportunities , griviances and performance, thus allowing executive to solve problems and make intelligent decisions. Horizontal communication close between department to help employees share information , coordinate task and solve complex problems. Smart managers know that particularly active grape is a sign that formal communication network is not providing the information employees believed they need: External communication flows into and out of the organization by both formal announcement and informal contract at industry galleries or networking and social events. Informal external changes are now considered so important that a new class of technology has sprang up to enable them. Internal source of information, that you use in your business can be primary information that you obtain from inside your own company. There are different types of internal information such as: Financing information Marketing information Purchasing information Sales information Administrative information Personnel information Justify recommendations for improvement Identify stakeholders for a decision making process Stakeholder relationship that are unmanaged or mismanaged have a number of consequences for any given company. These include unnecessary expenses , and a lack of buying to processes and initiatives aimed of transforming the company. However , stakeholder management is a difficult understanding for an organization because it requires investment and commitment to long term structured process. In order to develop business strategies one should or must: Identifying your stakeholders Particularly in large organizations this process is a critical one because the network of stakeholders with an investment or interest in your business is broader than others. Prioritized them, however noble your intentions, regarding stakeholder relationship management there unfortunately have to be some individual and group whose needs are more important and who require prioritization if you intend to maintain their support. Understand their needs, stakeholders require consistent and regular communication and service. However, their individual distinctiveness. Requires that this communication be personalized and targeted. Engage with them, you must find innovative and effective manner in which to communicate with these stakeholders. Whatever tactics you use , it is helpful to have a communication plan in place so that the process runs smoothly without negatively impacting on productivity. Monitor your engagement efforts, it is important to track and monitor your efforts and gage the responses to them. Speak to individuals directly , encourage feedback and through email tracking assess whether people are reading the information that you are deciminating. Make contact with those identified and develop business relationships The most important way in which you can make contact with your stakeholders is by identifying the target audience. These ways include; meetings , conference calls , news , letters or emails or posters which could be a means of a formal method for communicating. While on the other-hand, hall- way conversations , lunch meetings, drinks at a bar after work and sport events could be a means of a formal method , in which to make contact and develop business relationships. Has you build your network you need to nurture your contacts so that you can be a valuable network resource. They are as follows: Stay in-touch Connect with your contact Ask how you can help Share resources Include and collaborate Attend social events Call your contact Update your social media sites Send a news letter or a blog post

Thursday, September 19, 2019


A CHRISTMAS CAROL (BY CHARLES DICKENS) â€Å"By Close Analysis of Staves One and Five Show How Dickens Portrays the Transformation of Scrooge and To What Effect† In December 1843, Charles Dickens wrote and published â€Å"A Christmas Carol.† He published this book when he needed money; he needed money badly because he was in debt. He decided to link it to things that are happening; that Christmas was not taken seriously, it was fading out and ghost traditional Christmas tales. Dickens used the genre of ghost stories, but Dickens did something unusual, he changed the fact that ghost stories are meant to be frightening, in this book, the ghost stories were scary. In 1843 (ancient times), there were no security, pensions, national health nor compulsory education. You were expected to work six days a week and on Sunday, you go to church (only if you had a job). Those who had no job couldn’t go to church, because they were probably in prison or workhouse. There were no holidays, you had to work on Boxing Day, and if you ended up in debt, you would be put in debt prison. Dickens grew up in this prison with his dad, he started work at the age of 12 (it was a terrible work). Looking at the Book, it was about ghosts, and ghost stories were always told during Christmas. Books were always in chapters, but Dickens wrote his in staves; musical notes. Dickens starts to compare, first, looking at the full title, â€Å"A Christmas Carol in prose,† to have a carol in prose means a contradiction (to speak against). The book written in staves, which is a music stave, is already contradicting the title. In the preface, he uses another contradiction (repetition); we will also be looking at jokes and humours. Stave1: Marley’s Ghost â€Å"Marley was dead; to begin with† this is a contradiction; we already begin to make assumptions about the story. Stave1, beginning with a negative statement; â€Å"Marley was dead..........† (A quick reference to stave 5), and stave 5; a positive statement; â€Å"Yes!† with an exclamation mark, showing that there is an excitement there, even in the first paragraph. Dickens uses repetition in the first paragraph of stave 1; clergyman and clerk, undertaker and chief mourner, and Scrooge was also emphasised twice. He uses a simile; â€Å"Old Marley was dead as a door nail†, he was being humorous; in the book he explains why he used it, but we figured out that Dickens uses these to slow down the â€Å"pace† and change the â€Å"atmosphere†, this was meant to be funny (in1843), he used this to divert people’s attention from the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Chesapeake and New England Colonies: A Comparison :: American America History

The Chesapeake and New England Colonies: A Comparison During the late 16th century and into the 17th century, European nations rapidly colonized the newly discovered Americas. England in particular sent out numerous groups to the eastern coast of North America to two regions. These two regions were known as the Chesapeake and the New England areas. Later, in the late 1700's, these two areas would bond to become one nation. Yet from the very beginnings, both had very separate and unique identities. These differences, though very numerous, spurred from one major factor: the very reason the settlers came to the New World. This affected the colonies in literally every way, including economically, socially, and politically. The Chesapeake region of the colonies included Virginia, Maryland, the New Jerseys (both East and West) and Pennsylvania. In 1607, Jamestown, the first English colony in the New World (that is, the first to thrive and prosper), was founded by a group of 104 settlers to a peninsula along the James River. These settlers hoped to find gold, silver, a northwest passage to Asia, a cure for syphilis, or any other valuables they might take back to Europe and make a profit. Lead by Captain John Smith, who "outmaneuvered other members of the colony's ruling and took ruthlessly took charge" (Liberty Equality Power, p. 57), a few lucky members of the original voyage survived. These survivors turned to the local Powhatan Indians, who taught them the process of corn- and tobacco-growing. These staple-crops flourished throughout all five of these colonies. New England was north of the Chesapeake, and included Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Haven (which soon became part of Connecticut). The New Englanders were largely Puritan Separatists, who sought religious freedom. When the Church of England separated from Catholicism under Henry VIII, Protestantism flourished in England. Some Protestants, however, wanted complete separation from Catholicism and embraced Calvinism. These "Separatists" as they were called, along with persecuted Catholics who had not joined the Church of England, came to New England in hopes of finding this religious freedom where they would be free to practice as they wished. Their motives were, thus, religious in nature, not economic. In fact, New England settlers reproduced much of England's economy, with only minor variations. They did not invest largely in staple crops, instead, relied on artisan-industries like carpentry, shipbuilding, and printing. The Chesapeake and New England attracted different types of settlers and, by 1700, the populations differed enormously.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Immature Love of Romeo and Juliet :: Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

Just as the Friar says in the beginning of the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, â€Å"Wisely and slowly, they stumble that run fast.† (II.iii.94). this was a sign of foreshadowing for for the death of the lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Even though fate was a factor that had contributed to a tragic end, there was also personal choice involved, and ultimately, the story may have had a different ending if it weren’t for the flaws of the lovers and their inability to have a grip on reality in dire circumstances. Over the course of the play, the lovers from the conflicting households have not matured and remain rather static in development. Furthermore, in this tragedy, the only son of the montages remains rather childlike, Juliet still seems immature and their relationship over all seems more like a play act on lover rather then something mature and sustainable. Overall, from start to finish, Romeo and Juliet were living in the moment, being absurd and silly rather then focus ing on the future and trying to work problems out effectively. Although the lovers are both fairly impudent throughout the play, Romeo, the male lead, is even more so. Through out the play of Romeo and Juliet, the Montague heir has ceased maturity over the course of the Shakespearean tragedy. First of all, it was â€Å"Rosaline† (II.iii.67). whom Romeo â€Å"didst love so dear† (II.iii.67). at the beginning of the play as he â€Å"groaned . . . woes for Rosaline† (II.ii.74-78) however, he easily fell out of lover with her and in love with the â€Å"fair daughter of the rich Capulet† (II.iii.58) like he was changing his mind on a meal he’d order. Also, he fell out of love with Rosaline because she did not â€Å"doth grace for grace and love for love allow.† (II.iii. 85-88) which basically meant that Romeo didn’t love Rosaline because she didn’t love him back, which is very childish in hindsight. Another way that Romeo is immature is that he doesn’t have a sense of reality fore, heâ₠¬â„¢s always either extremely depressed, like when Rosaline wanted to remain chaised for life or extremely elated like when he met Juliet, while having no real middle ground for his emotions. These are all reasons why Romeo is immature: he’s always heads over heels in love for trivial reasons and he has no to little sense of reality. Although Romeo is immature, it’s unexcused since he’s well onto being an adult by society’s standards, however, Juliet is 14, so for her to be acting like a child is to be expected.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital humanities, scholarly communication and communication science Essay

Objectives of this research proposal is to identify a problem n work place and propose a solution to the management on the problem facing the company. Justification             Communication is very essential for the progress of a company. In today’s world, companies are striving to have good communication in places of work. However, good communication is hard to achieve because communication is increasingly becoming complex because complex work activities and multicultural environment in the places of work. Lack of communication increases job dissatisfaction and kills morale of workers. This research will evaluate the causes of poor communication. It will also come up with solutions on what needs to bedone. WorkcompletedI have managed to calculate the total cost for research and written a breakdown of all expenses to be incurred in this research. I have also written a schedule of all activities that I will carry on eve day. Interview was one of research methodology used in the proposal. I intended to interview five people from Youth Health Partnership Organization. The proposed persons to be interviewed are Mr. Phillip Hardy, Human Resources Manager, Mr. Charles Chah, Senior Accountant, two casual workers and Ms. Agnes Ashley, Finance officer. I have managed to interview two casual workers and Ms. Agnes. I have also managed to gather and reviewed all the journals and books that I needed for the purpose of this research Work remaining             The remaining work is to secure an appointment with Mr. Philip and Mr. Charles and to interview them. I have not completed collecting data using questionnaires. Obstacle encountered             Mr. Philip and Mr. Chah have been canceling our scheduled meeting at the last minute. Another challenge is that workers are refusing to fill in the questionnaire due to fear of victimization from supervisors. References Klyukanov, I. (2013). Digital humanities, scholarly communication and communication science. Modern communication studies, 2(1), 43-53. Rayudu, C. S. (2010). Communication (Rev. ed.). Mumbai [India: Himalaya Pub. House.Zaremba, A. J. (2010). Organizational communication (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. CarriÃÆ' ¨re, J., & Bourque, C. (2009). The effects of organizational communication on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in a land ambulance service and the mediating role of communication satisfaction. Career Development International, 14(1), 29-49. Ryabova, I. (2013). Communication components of management and organizational culture of the company. Modern communication studies, 2(2), 13-40. Source document

Muslim Societies Essay

The misrepresentation of Islamic societies is nothing new, especially when they are being covered by the Western media. Islamic communities, in reality, span a wider range of traditions and cultures especially when compared to Christian communities. Then again, as they are represented by Western media, Islamic communities are considered as monolithic. This is just one of the many cases that prove how distorted the depiction of Islamic communities are. Western media also tends to consider Muslim states as Islamic without even fully comprehending the differences of the ways in which Islam coexists with the state in various nations. It is also important to consider the complexness of these interactions which most Western media fail to realize. To provide a wider perspective on this issue, a book entitled â€Å"Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization,† edited by Juan R. I. Cole, is penned. This book contains eight essays from different writers across the globe. It also provides the reader several suggestions for further reading. Below is a list of some of the essays included in the book and reviews of each essay are as follows: First Reviewed Essay: Nikki Keddie’s â€Å"Material Culture, Technology and Geography: Toward a Holistic Comparative Study of the Middle East. † This essay is about the influence of changing technologies in the development of Middle East history. The author argues that it is important for historians to interact with engineers and archaeologists, because this is a more effective way to better understand the culture taking place in the Middle East. The author suggests that a historian, when not intimidated by Altusser, Foucault and Freud, will most likely just forget about the main thesis of the subject when simple topics on textile looms are included. Yet, these simple discussions on tools used in history are highly significant parts of the rich history of Islamic communities (Yee, 1992). Second Reviewed Essay: Charles Lindholm’s â€Å"Quandries of Command in Egalitarian Societies: Examples from Swat and Morocco†. What Charles Lindholm did to this essay is to find the challenges of reconciling obvious inequities of power and resources with egalitarian ethos and an egalitarian religion. He made special mention of the Berbers of Morocco and the Swat Pukhtun of Pakistan. What made this essay interesting is his excellent comparisons between the mentioned societies and the United States because the discrepancies between these groups are highly manifested and obviously existing (Yee, 1992). Third Reviewed Essay: Dale Fickelman’s â€Å"The Art of Memory: Islamic Education and Its Social Reproduction†. It is this essay that made readers learn more about the transmission of learning taking place in Morocco during the first years of the century. In traditional system of education in Islamic communities, rote-learning is highly observed. This aspect of their tradition is never magnified and often ignored. However, with Dale Eickelman’s essay, he showed his readers the more complicated picture of this type of education. He emphasized the idea of rote-learning and related it to the role of this type of practice to a social context. Comparisons were made possible with the use of Western educational traditions and Muslim social systems (Yee, 1992). Comparing Muslim Societies is a book that is nothing short of a genius. What this book caters to are students taking up sociology and anthropology, especially if they are starting to be introduced to the Islamic world. Then again, since this book has to have a wide readership since it deserves that anyway, this book then also appeals to general readers who want to learn more about Islam and Islamic communities. Readers will be given a more thoughtful look on a subject such as the representation of Islam which is the same subject that is given very scant attention by mainstream media today. Readers of Comparing Muslim Societies will undoubtedly learn to be more considerate when approaching studies and discussions about Islamic communities. References Cole, J. R. (ed). (1992). Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization. University of Michigan Press. Yee, D. (1992). Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization – A Book Review. Danny Yee’s Book Reviews Website. February 26, 2009, from http://dannyreviews. com/h/Comparing_Muslim_Societies. html.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Single Sex Are Better For All Students Essay

Single sex schools will help students improve in a majority of things. Single sex schools are better for all students because they improve the students’ behavior, grades and health. Single sex schools are better for students because they are not surrounded by students who pick on the opposite sex constantly. The students would not have to worry about being shy because the opposite sex does not attend to the school. At certain ages, opposite sex in the same class can be a distraction. The students seem to relieve more pressure with the other gender not being there and that helps them more than people actually think. Few educators are formally trained to use gender-specific teaching technique. However, it is no secret that experienced teachers usually understand gender differences and accommodating a variety of learning styles in the mixed-gender classrooms. This is that the students actually behave with the other gender not being in the same room Educating single-sex schools limit their opportunity to work cooperatively and co-exist successfully with members of the opposite sex. Students are able to cooperate more without the opposite sex being in the same classroom. Secondly, the grades of the students are very important. The grades are important because in some cases, it could help the student get an acceptance letter to a good college. This is why students should keep grades above average and also get involved sports. Test scores would be higher and the school’s academic success would be increased by being in a single sex school. Students would stay in school rather than drop out because they feel like someone cares about their education. Single sex schools would have better connection with their students. Students would also have high class grades because they can focus more without the other gender.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Black And White Marriage Essay

Barbara Stanton has been my friends for fifteen years. You might say that she is my best friend. We’ve dated and double-dated, but not once did we ever date outside our own race. About a year ago, Barbara came to me announcing that she was getting married to her boyfriend Paul. I hadn’t seen her for a while because we both began to grow in different directions and I’m ashamed to admit that we didn’t even keep in touch to have a deep conversation. Just some hello’s and goodbyes. When she called to tell me she was getting married, once again she omitted something that may have seemed inconsequential to her, but quite significant to her family and friends. She was marrying a black man. Maybe it’s not so crazy, but in the past few years we’ve seen more black and white couples than ever before. Maybe it’s because children of today’s world don’t even see color, or maybe it’s because of the rappers and hip hop entertainers that we somehow have as role models. Who knows? All that is certain is that where at one time this was totally unacceptable, today it is gaining more and more popularity. On a luncheon that we had with a few friends a few weeks before the wedding, the issue of race was brought up. Barbara had all the statistics. She argued that although race has often been contentious in children’s literature, from controversies over Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to Bannerman’s Little Black Sambo, to Keats’s The Snowy Day, to Herron’s Nappy Hair. How race is portrayed and who portrays it have been crucial for many critics. ( Sands-O’Connor, Karen â€Å"Why Are People Different? ) She related to us about some of the history of racism, and we had to admit that it seemed rather ridiculous the way the people of old handled it. In the sixteen hundreds, for example, Maryland banned interracial coupling because it wasn’t sure if the offspring of the black slave and white person would be considered a free person or a piece of property. Barbara knew a lot about black history. She told us that many blacks had white ancestry and who are we, the smug whites, as she called us, to not see this. She let us know in no uncertain terms that there were so many white slave ‘owners’ that took advantage of their female slaves that there was an abundance of mixed children born throughout those years. It is estimated that as many as seventy percent of African Americans are descendants of interracial coupling. These include Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Frederick Douglass. Each one of these mentioned are of black and white ancestry, including her intended. Denise, one of Barbara’s cousins brought up the fact that it just wasn’t common for blacks and whites to marry because of the long-term effects. But Barbara had the numbers right there in front of her. She told us that according to the Census Bureau, the number of mixed-race marriages rose from three hundred thousand in 1970 to one point two million in 1990. Between 1960 and 1990, the percentage of African American marriages involving a white spouse more than tripled. She wasn’t alone. Barbara looked at the six of us. â€Å"Of course we realize that we are of different ethnic backgrounds, but we are in love and intend to be married and really don’t care who objects. That is, of course, except the parents and relatives. Somehow, we always care what family says. But, what is interesting about America and it’s occupants is that even though people define their deliberations of interracial marriage in terms of â€Å"culture,† what really bothers them is race. We laughed as she told us that they didn’t tell the family that there was a difference in ethnic background. They just said, ‘guess who’s coming to dinner? ’ and they walk in the door, totally shocking the pants off all in the room. Her family, of course, pretended to be polite and welcoming until the couple left. Then, Barbara said she could imagine her mother’s hand going to the heart and the drama began. This, of course, is with both families, black and white. Barbara and Paul are sure that all through the courtship there will be innuendos right into the wedding day. Paul, in consoling Barbara as the big day approached, told her that friends of his that married interracially had similar problems. Some families give in and actually convince themselves that this is okay. Others really are okay with it and still others completely betray their own feelings. Their family did consent and did seem pleased. However, Barbara really didn’t want to know if these were feelings for show or not. She admitted that they had to face many decisions before the big day, such as the way they’ve handled difference of opinions thus far and religious upbringing of the children. They needed to voice whether they were willing to compromise on some of these issues and most importantly, how they see the role of husband and wife in this marriage of difference. In my opinion, like all marriages, things can lead to disaster or they can be worked on effortlessly, and Barbara and Paul firmly examined their path well before they made the decision to wed. Traditionally, African-American weddings include vivid colors, elaborate costumes and meaningful rituals. Whereas the white wedding embraces a more toned down dress. White bridal gown and pastels usually are chosen for the bride and the maids. The men are usually in black or white tuxedos depending on the time of day the wedding takes place, whereas the black groom sometime chooses a costume designed to the custom of his people. Ironically, in order to avoid all of this, Barbara has chosen to have a civil ceremony in the chapel at city hall and a small dinner at one of the area’s best restaurants. All decisions regarding custom have therefore been eliminated. The night before the wedding, they had a talk with both parents. The question of the future was brought up and the constant changes the human life goes through. They ask the couple how they are going to feel ten to twenty years down the road about this relationship and the offspring of this relationship. They do understand that everyone changes their ideas and opinions and although today they agree on most things, life is funny when it wants to throw bones. If a couple of the same race marries, when each one goes through changes, it is not going to be related to race. This is a big deal. There will be racial slurs on both sides of the family and friends sharing opinions. They will eventually have to deal with school and the black and white mom and dad. The family that evening pointed out that as sad as it is, the child will always be looked upon as ‘different’ because of his or her genetics. However, this was something Barbara and Paul did not agree on. They pointed out that in today’s world, unlike when their parents were growing up, the rivalry between races isn’t as potent. They agreed that some whites looked upon themselves as superior to blacks and in reality there would always be some type of racial issue as long as we have a democracy. It’s just different opinions. These things have a way of working themselves out and as for their children, they will know as soon as they recognize the difference in mom and dad that they are mixed. Growing up with it is certainly not the same as finding out spontaneously when their older. Since that’s impossible, the race issue may be resolved with the age of reason. The next morning, the wedding went off as scheduled. The whites in the chapel at city hall were noticing the difference in the people across the isle and the blacks were noticing the same things. But, they smiled at one another in a friendly gesture of approval. But, Barbara and her new husband knew that you couldn’t take the hand-me-down prejudices out of the older people in the chapel and they knew that there would be difficulties and differences from the get-go. However, they felt this would be a long lasting relationship and they were not willing to give up their future for the likes of racial interference. At the words, ‘I now pronounce you man and wife’, the whole family changed. Now there is a white girl in our family†¦. says one. Now there is a black man in our family†¦. says the other. Life has changed for them all. It’s been five years and the marriage is still going strong. I visited them and their twin boys, two years old who have brought the whole family together and they are loved to pieces by both sides. The children are mixed, but they have the blue eyes of the mother and the full lips of the father. Their color is the color of coffee with milk in it and their hair is a mixture of straight and curly. Perfect. They happen to be absolutely the most beautiful children imaginable. And they know it. There is so much love in that family that no one would guess there is a racial difference. Now, the families admit that they still see color, but only on the outside of the family. They see no color within. As far as the parents go, both couples realized they have a fondness for poker, hence the Thursday night poker club. In conclusion, we see that today, there are few communities with any claim to being racially pure; in modern society there has been a considerable amount of intermarriages which has blurred any such distinctions even further. (Pinsent, Pat: Race and Ethnic Identity pg. 91) So, are we going to get caught with our pants down if we don’t start building our country with the knowledge that all men are indeed created equal? No one actually takes a look-see inside the obviously different race to find out that we are not so different after all. Our wishes and hopes are exactly the same. Our love for our children is bountiful on both sides and our country is important to us all. How than, for a matter of a color, can we be so negative toward one another? I believe it is simply a fact collector. Get the facts on the person. Compare those facts with your own and voila’ we’re all God’s creatures. Barbara and Paul taught us all a lesson. The readers of this essay may have racial differences as well. If so, maybe we should stop and smell the roses and if not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦how did they smell? CITATIONS BOOKS Sands-O’Connor, Karen – â€Å"Why Are People Different? † Pinsent, Pat: Race and Ethnic Identity pg. 91

Friday, September 13, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Research Paper - Essay Example Our general way of living as per the American Dream can also be viewed in the play. It has shown as how one rejects the realities of life and tries to settle down with the dreams that he has regarding life. Every character in the story is trying to build up upon his/her American Dream. But all of them are rendered unsuccessful in the conclusion of the story. This research essay would further relate the concepts of the American Dream with the views that Tennessee has himself put into the play Glass Menagerie and would further present as to how the characters were being deviated because of their utopia. (Gwynn 2009 20-30). American Dream has been included in the Declaration of Independence which clearly states that every man has been endowed with rights when he is born into this world. By this it is meant that all inequalities and injustice is undesirable in the society and every individual should be provided with rights through which he can become successful and lead a life which everyone would have perceived. The view presented by American Dream clearly places education as the foremost factor which can influence the people to lead a life which they have perceived. The phenomenon of the survival of the fittest should be removed from the society and all the individuals should be provided with equal rights. But according to the American Dream the ones with gifted capabilities should be given an opportunity regardless of which class they belong to. The subject of all individuals regardless of their capabilities is not seen in the American Dream. Over the time it is seen that many citizens are enjoying t he American Dream as it was perceived but many citizens are also devoid of their rights to enjoy the American Dream. This can clearly be seen in the discrimination which is being practiced in the country against many races and ethnicities. Individuals who are of a greater potential are

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Rosa Parks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rosa Parks - Research Paper Example She is that unforgettable and historically epic woman who laid the foundation for the freedom movement in the United States of America (USA). People across the globe irrevocably fall in love for the daring action of defiance taken by Parks, which ignited the blazing fire of civil rights movement that could not be suppressed and which was further potentiated by Martin Luther King, who was assisted by Parks to rise to national prominence in a very short span of time. This paper is basically an effort to present the majorly important facts and discussions related to the myriad daring accomplishments made by Parks in an order to suppress the discriminations faced by the black people in the then largely conservative and white people-dominated society. How a black woman single-handedly organized the scattered civil rights leaders across USA and motivated them to stand united against the overwhelming discriminatory system, is a larger-than-life phenomenon that still leaves many people in ut ter awe and amazement. Rosa Parks, who lived from 1913 to 2005, was a vigorous civil rights activist, who achieved such prestigious and distinguished titles from the US Congress as â€Å"the first lady of civil rights† and â€Å"the mother of the freedom movement†, along with receiving many other honors from the government as well, as a result of her mind-blowing and phenomenal freedom movements. (Junaidi). What is absolutely riveting about Rosa Parks is that a single incident in her life initiated a massive and historical civil rights movement. She became a worldwide international emblem of resistance to racial segregation. What could definitely have restricted many other black people, made Parks bold enough to stand against it with her head held high and dignity making an absolute aura around her. Those days, racial segregation and ethnic biases formed a dominant feature of the American society. Prejudice was so prevalent in the American society that black people had to suffer majorly both in their social and professional lives. The pattern of refusing jobs to the eligible black people, who even presented remarkable academic achievements, was nothing new in USA at that time. Unemployment rate and social disgrace was so prevalent among the black people that it led to devastating consequences for them and their families. What aggravated the situation was the fact the white Americans were so heavily supported by the authorities that the black people just could not gather enough courage to stand up against the society fraught with racial segregation and unjustified prejudices. This much needed courage and boldness was at last gathered by a black woman Rosa Parks, aged 42 in 1955 in Alabama, who was not largely known at that time and had not become an international icon yet. (The Obama Diary). Parks straight-off refused to obey the highly unjustified order of the bus driver to empty her seat for a white passenger. This order of the bus driver was fr aught with racial discrimination, a concept that was phenomenally common in those days. What was ordered by the bus driver was a requirement that any other black person would have readily fulfilled owing to the paralyzing fear of the dominant white society. But, with Rosa Parks, this just could

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

YouTube Video Sharing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

YouTube Video Sharing - Essay Example has been the leader in Internet video search. This video entertainment site has been in operation for only a year but it has already become the most favorite video-sharing site, dislodging News Corp.'s MySpace, Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN, Google and AOL. This is the very reason why the onset You Tube, the very processes and legal aspects related to video sharing through You Tube is worth studying. Youtube serves as a quick entertainment break especially for viewers who have broadband connections at work or home. Youtube, whose original creators were students, however, is mostly popular among teens. It is said that more 100 million videos-usually short, homemade, comic videos created by users--are being seen on Youtubue every day. The record high was reported in June when an estimated 2.5 billion videos were watched on this site. Next to video lovers, online video advertisers, for sure, are the ones who are excited about the popularity of Youtube and other online video sites nowadays. With Youtube, the potential for online video advertising has become bigger. It was reported that online advertisements were the fastest-growing part of the $521-billion advertising market last year. Hence, web articles and peer reviewed journals published written and published from the year 2000 to the present are the most useful resources that can be acquired when writing about this topic. This is because You Tube was established along with the booming information technology and widespread use of internet, hence the coming of the 21st century will be the best possible years to looks for. The Form and the Medium Since a single click to see a video on Youtube can easily be counted, it also has become easier for companies to exactly track how many people are interested in their product. This, plus the fact that content providers and marketers could get instant recognition around the globe when they advertise their products online, is what attracts advertisers to put their money on online video advertising. Seeing the potential for increasing its revenues in Internet ads, web search leader Google Inc. recently bought Youtube for $1.65 billion in stock. This is so far the biggest price paid for a consumer-generated media site. Analysts said the acquisition would help Google compete in video search, an area where it has been weak. US Internet search giant Yahoo Inc., meanwhile, recently launched a video-sharing service in a move to capitalize on the trend being blazed by YouTube. The new video service's design is similar to that of Youtube, only that it has the capability to stream video which users can link their favorite footage to personal Web pages. This paper would try to compare the different video sharing facilities presented in the internet - such as the You tube, the Google and the Yahoo movies/video sharing. This will try to analyze the different factors why these forms of media are now becoming one of the most popular channel to advertise and/or market a product or service and equally powerful in disseminating information to. More so, in lieu of my final essay related to advertising, I will try to conceptualize different video advertisements (ranging from 1-5) for a varied number of products and services. These video ad concepts will have to be align with the effective and affective advertisements concepts (which will also be studied). Relevance to the Discipline The success of Youtube has been mired with controversies. For one, Youtube and other

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Developing Learning Skills and High Academic Achievements Essay

Developing Learning Skills and High Academic Achievements - Essay Example My previous pedagogical experience will ensure high academic achievement for my students. During my experience, I have learned and trained many pedagogical methods which can help me in my future pedagogical activity. For example, I have gained the ability to be a good and effective manager. It is very important for a teacher to be a good manager as he must be a real leader and a positive example for students. As a manager I will be able to organize the teaching and learning process very effectively – it will ensure high academic achievement for my students. In addition to that, I have learned to have high expectations of myself and other people. So, I will be able to be exacting and make my students fulfil appropriate tasks which will ensure their high academic achievements. I also have learned to pay appropriate attention to small things – it is also very important for effective classroom management and different kinds of teaching activities directed to high academic a chievement for students. The task-oriented teacher also can direct students to their learning achievements and improve their learning outcomes, and my previous experience has taught me to be a task-oriented person. In addition to that, my experience helped me be open to new theories and views, including new learning and teaching methods which can promote higher achievements to my students. I also became ready for different pedagogical activities outside the class as I understand that teacher profession includes many kinds of such activities, and I am aware that it also promotes high pedagogical and learning results for my pupils.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Journal - Essay Example This bare feeling is enhanced by short, austere sentences which contrast the more extravagant role of a movie star. The syntax of this passage highlights the fact that despite of her being tough and practical, she still faces challenging circumstances, especially given that she feels betrayed by her husband due to the affair. The parallel structure and repetition which all begin with â€Å"She† stresses her despair, loneliness, pain and suffering as the two people she considers important to her life are not there for her. By placing â€Å"Try to smile proudly† in its own paragraph, Moore emphasizes the importance of her to rise above her present predicament and focus on the opportunity she has, and this establishes her as the primary focus of the story, as the paragraph marks the transition from her description of the babysitting jobs so as to compare it with being a child psychologists. â€Å"Why write? Where does writing come from? These are questions to ask you. They are like: Where does dust come from? Or Why is there war? Or: If there’s a God, then why is my brother now a cripple?† (1019). The purpose of these rhetorical questions is not to obtain a response, but to assert the implicitly. They serve the subtle means of insinuating the notion of why the author wants the readers to be writers, and which might be challenged by the readers when asserted directly. â€Å"†¦it will be about monomania and the fish-eat-fish world of life insurance in Rochester, New York. The first line will be â€Å"Call me Fishmeal† and it will feature a menopausal suburban husband named Richard, who because he is so depressed all the times is called â€Å"Mopey Dick† by his witty wife†¦Lets go out and get a big beer†(1019). This passage underscores Moore’s sense of humor and it accentuates some chilling, private revelations that give rise

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Managing mobile platform proliferation and Smartphone market Dissertation

Managing mobile platform proliferation and Smartphone market fragmentation - Dissertation Example s Figure 1 Wordlwide Mobile Device Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2Q11 (Gartner, 2011) 17 Figure 2 Top Five Mobile Phone Vendors, Shipments, and Market Share, Q3 2011 (IDC, 2011) 19 Figure 3 Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Operating System (Gartner, 2008) 21 Figure 4 Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Operating System in 2Q11 (Gartner, 2011) 22 Figure 5 "Very Interested" App Developers for Each Platform (Appcelerator/IDC, 2011) 27 Figure 6 Fluctuations in the Interest of App Developers in Each Platform (Appcelerator/IDC, 2011) 28 Figure 7 Normalized Share of Smartphone Market (Appcelerator/IDC, 2011) 35 Introduction All major digital technologies and media today are geared up to go mobile, thus making the industry the fastest-growing on a global scale (Ahonen, 2011). Companies in this trillion-dollar industry experience greater growth and cut-throat competition. Product development and market acquisition are continuously occurring as existing markets demand for ne w features and applications, while emerging markets have become more receptive to mobile technology. Digital technologies such as computers, the internet and telecommunications are now on mobile devices. Meanwhile, everything that consumers need from entertainment (games, music, television, shopping) to necessities (banking and credit cards) has found a way to be instantly accessible. As a whole, the industry grew by 16.5% in the second quarter of 2011 as vendors shipped 428.7 million units; and12.8% in the third quarter with 393.7 million units shipped compared to 348.9 million units in the third quarter of 2010 (Business Wire, 2011). As of February 2011, there are 5.2 billion active, fully-paid mobile subscriptions, and 3.7 billion unique mobile phone users since most users own two or... From the research it can be comprehended that in a survey conducted by IDC among developers, they have stated that the most important goal for them is to have as much reach as possible. This may be a challenge in a fragmented market since different devices entail different user experiences. More so, these devices reflect the kind of apps that consumers are interested in. Developers cannot aim to write one software and wish it to succeed in a multitude of platforms and devices. First, consider user experience, target demographics and finally, device capabilities. For instance, the apps most popular in iPhone and Android phones are utilitarian in nature. iPad and Android tablets on the other hand leverage on the expanded screen in creating richer engagement. Proper targeting is important in the mobile developing field. Gone are the days when what only matters are the capabilities of the device. Developers must have a profound understanding of its user, user context, cost-benefit to the user and the company, target device and the limitations of the developer. According to IDC, the 2012 mobile industry will be shaped by new content ecosystems, new demographics and lower price points. Because of the fast changing environment, developers must be always updated with the latest not only in terms of technology, but strategic moves of the big players. These things will affect the development environment in the short term but more so in the long run.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hand Hygiene Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hand Hygiene - Research Paper Example 98) Recent statistics underscore the seriousness of this practice as about 80,000 people die annually because of infections that result out of poor hand hygiene. (p. 98) Description of Literature on the Subject Hand hygiene is considered part of the fundamental healthcare standards for health care providers. It is expected, hence, that it is sufficiently covered in the corpus of medical literature, particularly in health care service. To verify this, several medical references were exhausted, ranging from medical standards, disease treatment and control, best practices in the industry, to medical guides for professional health care, among other related sources. A special attention was given to those nursing-related references. The investigation of the literature revealed a comprehensive and detailed academic works that have been undertaken according to scientific and medical standards. All in all, the literature is credible, authoritative and complete. Effective Hand Hygiene The book , The Foundation of Nursing (2005), explained that hand hygiene includes â€Å"hand washing (using plain soap and water), antiseptic hand wash (using antimicrobial substances and water), antiseptic hand rub (using alcohol-based hand rub), and surgical hand antisepsis (using antiseptic hand wash or antiseptic hand rub preoperatively by surgical personnel to eliminate transient resident hand flora). (White, p. 527) Numerous sources are one in explaining in detail the procedures by which the previously outlined hand hygiene procedures can be effectively carried out. Gregory and Mursell (2010) summed them into the following guide: 1. All wrist and hand jewelry should be removed prior to hand-cleansing. Cuts and abrasions must be covered with waterproof dressings. Finger nails should be kept short and free from nail polish. 2. Hand washing techniques involve three phases – preparation, washing and rinsing, and drying: a. Wet the hands under running tepid water BEFORE applying cle aning preparations. b. Hand wash solution must come into contact with ALL of the surfaces of the hand. c. The hand must be RUBBED together for between 10 to 15 seconds paying particular attention to the tips of the fingers, the thumb and the areas between the fingers. d. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly before drying. 3. When decontaminating hands using an alcohol hand-rub, hands should be free of dirt and organic material. The hand-rub solution must come into contact with all surfaces of the hand. (p. 231) Current Practice Even though hand hygiene requires very simple procedure and supposedly form part of the standard routines of medical professionals, its compliance rate is as low as 50%. (Creedon 2005, p. 208-216) Mayers’ (2009) work was more detailed and dismal in depicting this statistics. He found that compliance with hand hygiene and proper glove use ranged from 9% to 25%. (p. 1284) Indeed, according to Dixon’s (2008) research, staff members do not wash hands e nough, at the right time to employ optimal technique and that efforts at interventions such as education and training in order to increase compliance are not overly successful. (p. 247) Several reasons are given why medical service providers fail to practice proper hand hygiene besides sheer neglect. Some of these are listed below: 1. dermatitis and skin problems, which affect that frequency of

Friday, September 6, 2019

Life as a Mom Essay Example for Free

Life as a Mom Essay Although the media depict most women as housewives and stay-at-home mothers, in reality many women work full time and put their children in daycare. Stay at home moms and working moms have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, a stay at home mom is able to give greater attention to the family while working moms are able to provide financial stability although they are not able to assure greater care to their children. I experienced both, being at home and working outside the home. I personally believe having my husband and me working has made my family happier. According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association of over 1,300 moms the happiest moms are, perhaps unsurprisingly, those who work part-time (Bindley 1). Comparing and contrasting being a stay at home mom vs. a working mom along with the modern economic and social reality has led to the emergence of various social changes and one such social change is the emergences of two kinds of mothers namely stay at home mothers and working mothers (Bindley 1). In this essay, an attempt is made to study the similarities and differences between the working mothers and stay at home mothers; also the term `stay at home moms refers to those mothers who do not work outside their homes. They prefer to stay at home. This is due to their care for their children and family, also these stay at home moms before they became mothers were working women. Gradually there is transition of working women to becoming stay at home moms. However, after they became mothers, it was very difficult to manage both house and work. Consequently, they decide to quit their jobs and stayed at home for the sake of their family. Leaving the financial stress on their husbands. Stay at home moms usually enjoy their status as being house wives and do not crib at the fact that they are staying at home. The children of such stay at home moms are also happy that their mom is staying with them. In the modern society this is a very difficult decision for the mother to leave her job as it put stress on families financially. Thus only when single income parents could manage with their limited income, the mothers could leave their jobs. Currently there are many work at home jobs which are tailor made to serve the stay at home moms so that they also could obtain extra income and they could make use of their spare time. These jobs are usually telecommuting in nature which means that mothers are not expected to go their work place (Bindley 1). As for why they might be happier, the authors theorized, a mothers participation in employment provides her with support and resources that a mother who spends full time at home does not receive. (Bindley 1) The main advantage with stay at home moms is that they are able to take perfect care of their family. The main disadvantage with this system is that such families need to depend on single income which then can put a lot of strain on a relationship between husband and wife. As I grew up my mom was a single parent, until I turned 13 when she met my step-father Grant. She worked, went to nursing school full time, and still managed to find time to make it to all of my sporting games. She also was gone a lot too. This then made me have to raise myself a little bit. My mom never let me go without; I always had what I needed when I needed it. I always said that when I was a parent someday, that I would make sure I could provide for them like she did for me. â€Å"There is nothing I would change about how I did things when you were a child; I made sure you had everything you needed.† (Shumaker) â€Å"Things did get much easier when I met Grant and we put our finances together.† (Shumaker). Now as an adult not only do I make sure my children are taken care of day and night, I also attend school, work part-time, and I find time to spend with my husband. Having a husband is such a big help. Not only for our family financially, but also for my children to have a father, and he helps do things for them when I’m not able to. I was a stay at home mom at one point in my life with our oldest daughter when she was a newborn. It was nice, although I felt like I had no adult interaction. I feel that interaction with other adults is critical to say â€Å"sane†. I never felt pretty because I was always wearing sweatpants, and no make-up. Even if I went out to do grocery shopping and run errands it wasn’t enough adult interaction. Because my husband worked all day he wanted to get things done around the house, and I wanted him to watch the kids so I could go do something by myself. We also didn’t have enough money to do anything, he solely paid the bills. That put a lot of stress on our relationship. I would want to go out to dinner, but we didn’t have the extra money. I realized quickly how much more important it was to work. I know that being there for my children is priority. However, interacting with other adults is also very important. Now that I work and my husband works we have enough money to do fun things with our children when we are not working. We bought a brand new camper to take them camping. It also gives us enough money to go out by ourselves and hire a babysitter for the night. Our lives are much more enjoyable for our children, my husband, and me. Having me work instead of staying at home. I still find time to make healthy dinners, and take care of our children. It has made my marriage stronger and it has made me feel better about myself because I contribute to our bills.